Commercial and Residential Painting Company

Serving Pennsylvania’s Main Line, Montgomery, Delaware, Philadelphia and Chester Counties

Add a touch of color to your home with Mark Sweetman Painting, your source for experienced painters and carpentry contractors serving Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas. Whether for your home or business, MSP makes your spaces visually exciting or relaxing based on the colors you choose. Need color help? Ask Mark about the Master’s touch color consulting.


Mark’s Services Include:

  • Interior Painting
  • Exterior Painting
  • Faux Finishing
  • Carpentry Work
  • Color Consulting
  • Color Designing

Making Your Home More Creative

Mark Sweetman is committed to quality products and customer service. His craftsmen reflect this commitment in their professionalism, respect, and conscientiousness in every interior painting and exterior painting job.

That’s why, for more than 26 years, he has built a reputation for quality courtesy and that Sweetman “touch” in every project

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. When you choose MSP for your job, you have made a commitment to a trusting professional firm.

For quality service, superior painting craftsmanship, and personal attention to detail, contact Mark to make your home extraordinary inside and out.

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